What we offer
Within the human heart, there is a desire to hear, know, and speak for God. Many people hear more than they think. It is in knowing the ways of God and His love that this is fully expressed, and God is looking for a people who can express His multifaceted nature and glory to all of the earth. In this course, students will discover the biblical and central emphasis of hearing God speak. Students will be equipped to learn the various manners and methods through which God speaks as described throughout the Bible. They will also seek to better discover and understand His character so as to better represent Him, and to effectively communicate His voice. Hearing the voice of God is central to the life of a believer.
“Pursue love yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.”
- I Cor. 14:1.
In order to understand the foundational principles of Christianity as well as the Scriptural fulfilment of Christ’s death and resurrection, a thorough understanding of both the Old and New Testaments is vital. Having a comprehensive understanding of the Canon will facilitate a deeper appreciation and knowledge of the Christian life. This course will examine the progression of the biblical story from start to finish with a focus on the major themes and unifying story that finds its climax in the life of Christ, His death, resurrection, and the birth of the Church. While this course is not an exhaustive survey of the Old Testament, it provides the structure for understanding the overall story of the Old Testament which is one of Covenant. As such, Covenant Theology will be a major discussion point for this class.
This course begins by providing students with an in-depth understanding of the social and political background of the New Testament time period as well as a historical overview of the inter-testamental period between the Old and New Testaments. Through understanding the historical and sociopolitical background, students are better able to grasp the full message and weight of the New Testament authors. The second portion of this course will walk students through each book of the New Testament providing an overview of the major theological concepts as well as the historical settings in which each book was written. All in all, this course is designed to help students better understand the theological message of the New Testament and how it is intricately connected to the Old Testament.
As Christians, one of the greatest and most powerful privileges we are invited to participate in is prayer. From Jesus teaching His disciples to pray to Paul’s admonishment to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thes. 5:17), prayer is vital for the life of a believer. Intercession is a form of prayer that will be emphasized throughout this course. Students will look deeply into the biblical and foundational principles of prayer on a personal level as well as in a corporate setting. It will also provide students with practical, first-hand experience as they participate in times of prayer & intercession. Students will discuss the importance of prayer to the heart of God as well as answer many important questions such as, “is everyone called to intercession… what do prayer and intercession look like on a practical level... are there different forms of prayer and intercession?”
This course will consist of two sections as students dive into both worship and prayer. Students will discover the biblical background for worship and prayer, their diverse expressions, practical applications for the Church, and how they flow together.
The word “worship” takes on various forms in today’s culture, but how does God define worship? What does worship look like to Him, and how do we get to participate in worship here on earth? This course will discuss these topics and how they apply to our daily lives and church community. This course will also discuss the practicals related to worshiping through music and being part of a worship team. We will cover spontaneous vs. prophetic worship, songwriting, and worshiping through dance and art. Students can also expect to spend time throughout the course worshiping together, for the purpose of applying different practicals as well as providing a place where He can be exalted and adored.
Healing and Deliverance through Jesus Christ are normal parts of the Christian life. As such, they should be a natural experience for believers. Jesus Himself promised that healing and deliverance would accompany those that believed in His name. This course will lay a biblical foundation for the basis of healing and deliverance. It will educate students on biblical-based models for prayer, the authority of the believer, and examine the connection between deliverance and physical healing. This course will also include a hands-on practicum portion where students will demonstrate their knowledge and ability to partner with the Holy Spirit to bring forth healing and deliverance in Jesus’ name.
Orthodox Christian Belief
Controversy within the theological beliefs of Christianity is something that has been present since its founding. In fact, many of the epistles in the New Testament are directed towards such controversies or heretical theology that was beginning to arise during the early Church. As such, it is important to understand the foundational and orthodox beliefs that make up Christianity. This course will take an introductory look at major theological beliefs throughout Church history that form the foundational beliefs of Christianity. Students will explore the Christian consensus of certain theological issues, the diversity of belief found within orthodox Christianity, and alternative views that are outside orthodox belief. This will be achieved through providing students with a brief overview of early Church history as well as careful scrutiny of the Scriptures to equip students to discern between biblically accurate or misleading theological doctrines.
Spiritual Formations
Growth and development are important aspects for all areas of life: physical, emotional, and spiritual. As a Christian, we are admonished to be spiritually minded and strong (Romans 8:6; Ephesians 3:16); however, the intentional process of strengthening and growing our spiritual life is often ignored or unknown. This course is designed to help students better understand the biblical principles that help us to form and grow ourselves spiritually mature in Christ as well as better equip us to steward and cultivate intimacy with God. We will cover topics such as humility, honor, faith, love, prayer, spiritual warfare, and other spiritual disciplines that help us to draw nearer to God and to grow spiritually as we allow Him to conform us more into the image of His Son. These topics help students to understand the way God works within each of our lives, as He seeks to mature us into mature sons and daughters.